
5 - 6 June 2024



5. June 2024
Japan meets Thuringia 2.0

Registration (LEG Thuringia)

Opening & Input

Startup Pitches & Q&A

Match-making, Networking & Lunch

End of the event

05. June 2024
"Pitch Day"




Pitch Block I (10 Pitches)

Pause & Innovation Arena

Panel “Beyond Local Ecosystems” with the Digital Hub Initiative & Start2, among others

Pitch Block II (10 Pitches)

Pause & Innovation Arena

Pitch Awards

Get Together, Buffet & Networking

End of the Pitch Day

06. June 2024
"Investor's Day"

Entry + Registration (main entrance EGA)

Investors’ breakfast

Individual match-making


Pitch Block I (8 Pitches)

Lunch break

Keynote & Panel

Pitch Block II (8 Pitches)

Break & Matching

Guided tour of Danakil

EGA Tour

Individual exchanges

BBQ & Networking

End of the event

05. June 2024
"Pitch Day"




Pitch Block I (10 Pitches)

Pause & Innovation Arena

Pitchblock II (10 Pitches)

Pause & Innovation Arena

Impulse & Pitch Awards

Get Together, Buffet & Networking

End of the pitch day

End of the pitch day

End of the pitch day

06. June 2024
"Investor's Day"

Registration (main entrance EGA)

Investors’ breakfast

Individual match-making


Pitch Block I


Impulse & discussion: Sustainable AND profitable investing

Pitch Block II: Sustainable business models

Matching & exchange

Guided tour of Danakil

EGA Tour

Individual exchanges

BBQ & Networking

End of the event

15. June 2023
"International Tech Exchange Israel"

In cooperation with Thuringia International and the D-I-W, the INTERNATIONAL TECH EXHANGE focusing on Smart Production, Industry 4.0 & AI will take place in Israel on 15 June 23 from 9:00 – 12:00.

In recent years, Israel ranked third in the world for venture capital investment in startups in the Industry 4.0 environment. We would like to use the startup nation Israel as an inspiration for more “smart production” in Central Germany and address the following questions, among others:

– What are the general conditions in Israel and Central Germany?

– Where do we stand in international comparison?

– What can we learn from the Israeli “entrepreneurial spirit”?

Register here for free!

End of the International Tech Exchange Israel

14. June 2022
"Pitch Day"



Start-up Pitches


Pitch Awards

Get together & Networking

End of the Pitch Day

End of the Pitch Day

15. June 2022
"Scale-ups meet VC"



Investor Breakfast

Scale-up Pitches

Inputs & Networking

End of the event

15. June 2022
"Future Conference"

For those interested in the life sciences, the medways “Future Conference on Medical Technology” will take place parallel to the main program.

16. June 2020
"Meet the Rising Stars"

Registration | Welcoming


Presentation block I

Networking break

Presentation block II

The end

16. June 2020
"Thüringer Elevator Pitch"

Registration | Welcoming


Pitch block I & Investor Pitches

Networking break

Pitch block II & Investor Pitches

Networking break


Pitch Awards

Public Award  

Closing & Get together 

17. June 2020
"Scaling Up"

Registration | Welcoming



Three parallel workshops:

Project management
Design Thinking
Innovative HR management

Coffee Break

Three parallel workshops:

Social media marketing
State of the art distribution
M&A / exit strategies

Lunch Break

Logo Investor Days Thüringen

The Investor Days Thuringia are an
initiative of the Foundation for Technology,
Innovation and Research Thuringia
(STIFT) and bm-t beteiligungsmanagement
thüringen gmbh.


Die IDT sind eine Initiative der bm|t und STIFT im Rahmen des Projektes ThEx innovativ, welches durch den Freistaat Thüringen aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds Plus gefördert wird.