Apply as a Pitcher or secure your ticket as an Investor or Explorer! The next registration period for #IDT24 starts 21 February 2024.

Do you want to be notified automatically about the start of the application and registration period? Then leave your email address here!


Do you have a startup or innovative growth company with a strong vision? Then set a reminder for the application phase for Pitcher to inspire investors, corporates and customers with your innovation!


Are you an entrepreneur or a networker? You want to be inspired by innovators, explore the startup community or simply make new contacts? Then set yourself a reminder for the registration phase as an Explorer.

Are you a VC investor, banker or business angel? Are you scouting new technologies for your deal flow? Then set a reminder for the registration phase as an investor to get an exclusive insight into the startup scene!

Die IDT sind eine Initiative der bm|t und STIFT im Rahmen des Projektes ThEx innovativ, welches durch den Freistaat Thüringen aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds Plus gefördert wird.